Cokkies Management

We use cookies and services to guarantee the functionality of our website, making it more informative and easier to navigate.

We continuously track the number of visits and the most viewed content on our site and use the anonymised data compiled for statistical purposes, such as:

  • record the number of visitors to our website,
  • record the time spent by each visitor on our website,
  • assess which parts of our website need to be adapted or optimised in order to improve users’ browsing experience.

We use marketing services to publicise our own products or those of third parties. We only want to display advertising related to our products and/or services, and to this end we use a retargeting technique for advertising tailored to your interests on our website. Temporarily stored cookies allow our partners to recognise visitors to our website and only show products that may be of interest to our customer.

Our partners’ cookies do not store personal or confidential data or identify our visitors. These services are used to:

  • analyse the success of the advertising measures used with our advertising partners,
  • manage the adverts already viewed,
  • check the number of pages visited on our website,
  • monitor internal searches on our website,
  • visualising product pages.

We use these services for the purpose of publicising/marketing our products and/or services.

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